Chapter Three

bdsqbtn.gif (1060 bytes) STEP ONE: DETERMINATIVE PROFILING

In the context of this procedure, a "profile" is defined as: "(1) a set of data often in graphic form portraying the significant features of something esp.: a graphic representing the extent to which an individual exhibits traits or abilities; (2) a concise biographical sketch." (Webster's Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary.)

Determinative profiling is that initial step necessary for the formulation of a proper and viable determination of who the counselee is, what he has become, and where he is at the present time in relation to his development as a human being. The process of determinative profiling is initially an exercise in data gathering. Early on, it must be clear to the counselor that determinative profiling is for the purpose of gathering "data" and not "information". It is critical that the difference between "data" and "information" be clearly understood.

Data do not become information until they have passed through some system or unit of processing. The numbers "34602" may represent data only. Yes, it is true we may mistake these numbers for information. In fact, it can be argued that their very numerical values constitute information. However, this is not truly information, only data.  Realistically though, when we process the numbers "34602" into the sequence "63042" they become informative, since they now represent the postal zip code of the city of Hazelwood, Missouri.

Determinative profiling is a exercise in data gathering. While these data may represent information, the biblical counselor must avoid processing data during this step. Data processing will be accomplished in the second step of Biblical Directionism counseling. To process data during the profiling stage is to almost certainly pass premature judgment. Premature judgment is actually "immature judgment" and in more cases than not, inaccurate judgment. In fact, the counselor has no authority to "pass judgment" at all, as we shall later see.

This data gathering is an essential prerequisite to developing an accurate awareness of the counselee's true state of being. The need for such an accurate and unbiased awareness is two-fold. First, it is essential that the counselor really "know" the counselee's situation.  Second, it is essential that the counselee really "know" his or her situation. As amazing as it may seem, many people in distress have lost sight of the relevant facts, and are suffering from what we might call "problem myopia".

As a proper consequence of determinative profiling, the counselee becomes better acquainted with his or her own state of being and is thus better able to understand the realities which surround him or her. As for the counselor, determinative profiling is essential to the prevention of premature judgment, misdiagnosis and consequently, malpractice.

The methods employed in determinative profiling are essentially those common to any system of data gathering which involves people. These may include questionnaires, tests, verbalizing, discussion, observation of body language, record retrieval, consultation with other professionals with whom the counselee may have had dealings, and whatever other legitimate methods properly employed.

For the biblical counselor, one critical source of data is that which is provided by the insights afforded by the Holy Spirit. Extreme caution must be exercised here, and the counselor must reject all notions of spiritual arrogance or pride, and humbly recognize that if the Holy Spirit chooses to assist him or her in the counseling process, it is only because it pleases the Holy Spirit to do so, and not because of some supposed merit earned by the counselor.

The process of comparative profiling is, in essence, a process of examination. By this, it is meant that "examination" (used here as a synonym for profiling) is a process whereby one is tested, inquired of, and carefully investigated in order to obtain a proper understanding of the relevant data of a given situation. By this action, the counselor is able to determine a profile of the counselee.

The acceptance of examination for the purpose of determinative profiling , as a first step in Biblical Directionism counseling, is based upon the belief that this is the entry point in all of God's dealings with man.

bdsqbtn.gif (1060 bytes) Scriptural Methodology

Essential to any meaningful cognition is the capacity and opportunity to know. Knowing is possible only when information is both available and recognized. Examination is that process whereby available information is made known and recognized. The results of such examination is a revealing profile of who, what, and where the person's being really is.

The Scriptural premise from which this initial step is derived is found in the Book of Lamentations. "Let us examine our ways and test them..." Lamentations 3:40.

The Hebrew word translated "examine" in the NIV is translated "search" in the KJV. The word represented here is "hapas," meaning, in this context, "to probe one's behavior." The Hebrew word translated "test" in the NIV is translated "try" in the KJV. The word represented here is, "haqar," meaning, in this context, "probing the heart, examining the mind." It can refer to initial phases of a search or the end result but always connotes a diligent, difficult probing.

bdsqbtn.gif (1060 bytes) Why God Seeks To Reach Man's Mind

When the concept of profiling is delineated as it relates to this initial step of Biblical Directionism counseling, it must be understood the process of profiling is actually a tripartite event. God desires to assist the biblical counselor in coming to know the counselee, while at the some time, assisting the counselee in coming to know himself or herself better through this process of data gathering.  The counselor desires to assist the counselee in coming to know himself or herself yet is reliant upon God for real success. The counselee hopes to know himself or herself better as he or she is directed and assisted by the counselor in the process of profiling, yet hopefully realizes that God is the ultimate source of power in coming to terms with one's self.

Through this sometimes difficult, and always diligent, process of examination and testing, and accurate and adequate individual profile is obtained. Without this profile, genuine knowing would be impossible.

Thus, it is essential to God's initial step of counseling the man comes to know who, what, and where he really is. How God Reaches Man's Mind Through this initial step of profiling, God reaches man's mind by employing the benefits of examination and testing in connection with man's God-created capacity to comprehend the known. Without the known results of examination and testing and a God-created capacity to comprehend the known, man could never move forward from any given state of being.

Profiling, then, is that initial step of God's dealing with man whereby He makes it possible to change. That God uses human counselors in connection with this process is at once a given, and yet a mystery of His love. Nevertheless, the process of profiling is not limited to the exclusive environs of human counselors. No doubt millions have been taken through this initial step without the aid of human intervention. The directive intervention of the Holy Spirit is not dependent upon a third party human assistant.

However, it has pleased God to make use of human assistants in connection with His healing systems. How God accomplishes this is clearly revealed in Scripture.

bdsqbtn.gif (1060 bytes) Experiential Methodology

If profiling is a generic initial step in proper biblical counseling,the Scriptures ought to abound with clear evidence of it. The following selections are only representative of a vast quantity of such evidence, but they do provide concise examples.

Biblical Case Studies

God counsels Adam and the Woman

"Then the man and his wife heard the sound of the Lord God as He was walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and they hid from the Lord God among the trees of the garden. But the Lord God called to the man, 'Where are you?' He answered, 'I heard You in the garden, and I was afraid because I was naked; so I hid.' And He said,, 'Who told you that you were naked? Have you eaten from the tree that I commanded you not to eat from?' The man said, 'The woman You put here with me --- she gave me some fruit from the tree, and I ate it.' Then the Lord said to the woman, 'What is this you have done?'" Genesis 3:8-13.

Data gathering begins in verse one when God asks the first of several questions. In this case, profiling transcends mere data gathering and is actually instructive since it is obvious that the questions were not asked for God's benefit. Even in the case of human counselors, profiling can, and often is, an instructive tool as well as an data gathering process.

Joseph counsels Pharaoh's Cupbearer and Baker.

"When Joseph game to them the next morning, he saw that they were dejected. So he asked Pharaoh's officials who were in custody with him in his master's house; 'Why are your faces so sad today?' 'We both had dreams,' they answered, 'but there is no one to interpret them.' Then Joseph said to them, 'Do not interpretations belong to God? Tell me your dreams.' So the chief cupbearer told Joseph his dreams." Genesis 40:6-9a.

Joseph begins his counseling process by asking the question, "Why are your faces so sad today?" (:6). Before attempting to actually give counsel, he asks for further details, "Tell me your dreams." (:8). Not until Joseph was in possession of all the facts did he proceed to give counsel.

Daniel counsels Nebuchadnezzar.

"Finally, Daniel came into my presence and I told him the dream...I said...I know that the spirit of the holy gods is in you, and that no mystery is too difficult for you. Here is my dream; interpret it for me. These are the visions I saw while lying on my bed:" Daniel 4:8-10a.

Daniel is asked to interpret the king's dream. But notice the initial process of profiling: "I told him the dream." (:8). "Here is my dream." (:9); "These are the visions I saw." (:10a).

Jesus counsels the Rich Young Man.

"Now a man came to Jesus and asked 'Teacher, what good thing must I do to get eternal life?' 'Why do you ask Me about what is good? There is only One Who is good. If you want to enter eternal life, obey the commandments.' 'Which ones?' the man inquired. Jesus replied, 'Do not murder; do not commit adultery; do not steal; do not give false testimony; honor your father and mother; love your neighbor as yourself.' 'All these I have kept,' the young man said. 'What do I still lack?'" Matthew 19:16-20.

This young man came to Jesus for counsel. Notice Jesus' initial question, "Why do you ask Me about what is good?" (:17). Prior to giving actual counsel, Jesus leads the rich young man into further data gathering by exciting him to discuss his past. In so doing, the young man reveals a great deal about himself.

bdsqbtn.gif (1060 bytes) Premier Case Study

Nathan Counsels David

"The Lord sent Nathan to David. When he came to him, he said...." II Samuel 12:1a.

In this case, Nathan had already been through the process of profiling before ever approaching David. Notice: "The Lord sent Nathan to David." (:1a). God would not have permitted Nathan to approach David without knowing all of the facts of the case. A further reading of the narrative reveals that Nathan was in possession of the entire background and facts surrounding this most important case.

While present-day counselors would be foolish to presume that God would give the kind of "inside information" He granted to Nathan, it is nonetheless true that the genuine biblical counselor may expect that God's Holy Spirit will be directly involved in the data gathering process, enabling the counselor to better profile the one who God has sent his or her way.

bdsqbtn.gif (1060 bytes) The Results

God counseling Adam and the woman (Genesis 3:9-13).

The result of profiling here is that God draws up a profile of Adam and the woman which instantly reveals their condition.

Joseph counseling Pharaoh's Cupbearer and Baker. (Genesis 40:6-9).

The result of profiling here is that Joseph is supplied with accurate information by which he is enabled to interpret the dreams.

Daniel's counseling of Nebuchadnezzar. (Daniel 4:8-10a).]

The result of profiling here is that Daniel is given the facts of the King's dream and is thus able to proceed with the interpretation.

Jesus counseling the Rich Young Man. (Matthew 19:16-20).

The result of profiling here is that Jesus reveals the real character of the man.

Premier Case Study: Nathan counsels David. (II Samuel 12:1).

The result of profiling here is that God had enabled Nathan to proceed counseling David without fear of being misdirected.

In each case, the results of profiling enabled the counselor and the counselee to proceed with accurate and adequate information related to that specific situation. Also, in each case, successful profiling led directly into Step Two of Biblical Directionism counseling --- Comparative Silhouetting.

To initiate the giving of counsel without first having examined, tested, and thus arrived at a determinative profile of the counselee, is to violate a simple and basic premise of sound reasoning.

"A simple man believes anything, but a prudent man gives thought to his steps." Proverbs 14:15.

"He who answers before listening --- that is his folly and his shame." Proverbs 18:13.

"The heart of the discerning acquires knowledge; the ears of the wise seek it out." Proverbs 18:15.



Chapter 3

Instructions:  After reading the chapter, study each question.  Try to determine the correct answer without referring back.   Check the accuracy of your answer by clicking the hyperlinked portion of the question.  The link takes you to the correct place in the chapter.

Q.1  Explain why "DETERMINATIVE PROFILING" is the initial step of Biblical Directionism and what means may be generally employed in the process of determinative profiling.

Q.2  According to the text, what word is a synonym for "profiling"?

Q.3  Define the words "examine" and "test" as used in Lamentations 3:40.

Q.4  According to the text, what is meant by the following statement: "The process of profiling is actually a tripartite event."

Q.5  What is essential to God's initial step of counseling?


bdsqbtn.gif (1060 bytes) Course Navigator: [Table of Contents]  [Introduction]   [Chapter One]  [Chapter Two]   [Chapter Three]  [Chapter Four]   [Chapter Five]  [Chapter Six]   [Chapter Seven]  [Bibliography]