A Ten Unit Certificate
of Recognition
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In keeping with the idea that every Christian should be a life-long student of the Word of God, our Certificates of Recognition (CR's)  like Continuing Education Units(CEUs) are a means of self-improvement.

As a way of documenting your learning experience you can apply for an optional Ten Unit Certificate of Recognition, by affirming that you have completed this course as instructed, and  paying a $20.00 processing fee.

Your personalized Certificate of Recognition will be emailed to you as a PDF file ready for printing and suitable for framing.

Complete details are provided at the end of this course study guide page.


COURSE NAMEBible Recipe for Joyful Prosperity  Is there actually a Biblical plan for prosperity?  This course will set the "record straight" on this too often misunderstood area of practical theology.  HIGHLY recommended for pastors, counselors, teachers, and Christian business persons.

WELCOME TO A TUITION-FREE INDEPENDENT LEARNING COURSE.  It is not necessary to enroll at a student or pay tuition. You may begin this study immediately.  However, after you have completed the course, you may elect the option of receiving a Certificate of Recognition to officially document your learning experience.

Before you begin, please note:

  • FIRST: This is a comprehensive tuition-free study. You may complete the entire course without cost. After completing the course of study, you will be given the option of receiving recognition.

  • SECOND: This study is totally self-contained. You will only need your personal Bible.

  • THIRD: This is an independent learning experience, and is therefore self-directed and self-paced.  Move through it the way you find most helpful.

  • FOURTH: Even though it is free a free course, this is a serious study of the Bible.

Ten Instructions to Help Guide You

  1. Begin each study with prayer. You need to understand what the Bible teaches. God has promised to help you. God keeps his promises. Pray with faith. Put John 16:13 to the test.

  2. Utilize any method of study (time of day, place of study, etc.) that will produce good results.

  3. First, read all the Underlined Statements but not the Scripture. This is the Subject you are studying.

  4. Read carefully! Be sure you know the meaning of each word. Reading aloud may help.

  5. Now, read all the Bible verses after the Underlined Statements. As you read, write down any thoughts that you want to add. Write a summary of what the Holy Spirit enables you to learn. Since there are no tests to complete, the more carefully you read, and the more completely you write your summary, the more you will learn.

  6. Mark your Bible. Make notations in the margin if that is possible, or in the notes section of an electronic Bible.

  7. Meditate! Continue to think about what the Bible teaches. Memorize some verses.

  8. Live what the Bible teaches. Obey the Word of God. As you obey what you learn, God will teach you more.

  9. Share what you learn. As you teach and tell others what you have learned, God will help you to understand more clearly. You will help others and strengthen yourself.

  10. Never give up. With God's help you can be a more faithful and effective Christian witness and worker.

"Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth
not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth"
(2 Timothy 2:15).


Secular: the condition of being successful or thriving; esp: economic well-being.
Biblical: Psalm 1; esp: Psalm 1:1-3.

I. The Bible teaches four (4) basic facts concerning Joyful Prosperity.

A. The fact of ownership: The sovereign God is the creator /owner of all creation, Exodus 20:11; Psalm 24:1; Isaiah 44:24; Acts 14:15; Revelation 10:6,

B. The fact of stewardship: the sovereign God uses humans as stewards, Jeremiah 27:5; Matthew 25:14; Deuteronomy 8:18; Ecclesiastes 5:19;

C. The fact of accountability: the sovereign God holds humans accountable for their stewardship,

1. For lack of use, Matthew 25: 24-30,

2. For purpose of use, 2 Corinthians 5:8, 13,

3. For attitude in use, 2 Corinthians 5: 11-16; 1 Corinthians 13:1-3,

4. For result of use, Matthew 25: 16,17, 21,23, 27.

D. The fact of recompense: the sovereign God will recompense humans for their stewardship,

1. Through the law of Sowing and Reaping, Galatians 6:8; 2 Corinthians 9:6,

2. By reward or loss, 1 Corinthians 3:14,15; 2 Corinthians 5:10

II. The Bible gives both positive and negative directions to the human steward

A. Positive Instruction,

1. Attitudes and actions of Faithful Stewards,

a. Be faithful, 1 Corinthians 4:1,

b. Develop godly contentment, 1 Timothy 6:6,8,

c. Don’t go into debt, Romans 13:8,

d. Don’t co-sign another’s debt, Proverbs 6:1-3.

e. Pay proper taxes, Romans 13:7,

f. Be a giver to others’ needs, Romans 12:13,

g. Be a God-serving worker, Colossians 3:22-25,

h. Be a fair employer, Colossians 4:1; James 5:1-6,

I. Give joyfully as God leads, 2 Corinthians 9:7,

j. Give of yourself, 2 Corinthians 8:5,

k. Be an obedient tither, Malachi 3" 10-12,


B. Negative Instructions,

1. Attitudes and actions of Unfaithful Stewards,

a. Love money, 1 Timothy 6:9,10,

b. Forget God, Deuteronomy 6:12; 8:12-14,

c. Allow the Word to be choked by care, Matthew 12:22

d. Develop covetous attitude, Luke 12:15,

e. Develops pride, 1 Timothy 6:4, Ezekiel 28:5

f. Oppress others, James 2:6,

g. Live for pleasure, James 5: 5,

h. Lazy, Proverbs 6:9-11;19:24;28:19,

I. Unfaithful to responsibility, Matthew 25:25-30

III. The Bible teaches great truths about Joyful Prosperity

A. God’s gives the power to get wealth, Deuteronomy 8:18,

B. Joy of using wealth for God’s glory, 1 Timothy 6:17-19,

C. Producing praise to God in others, 2 Corinthians 9: 9-15,

IV. The Bible contains a text-book (Proverbs) about character and conduct which cautions those who wish to succeed in business and finance.

A. The character of the man who succeeds in business and finance:

1. Righteousness 11:4-6; 18:28; 12:12; 13:21; 15:6,

2. Integrity (Honesty) 2:7; 10:2-2; 11:1; 13:11; 15:27; 16:8; 17:23; 19:1,22; 20:10,

3. Wisdom 2:1-9; 3:13-16; 8:10,11; 8:18-21; 16:16; 24:3,4,

4. Generosity 3:27,28; 11:24-26; 14:31; 18:16; 19:17; 22:9,16,22; 28:27,

5. Morally pure 5:10; 31:11,

6. Diligent 6:6-11; 10:4,26; 12:11,24; 12:27; 13:4,23; 14:23; 16:26; 18:9; 20:4,

7. Cautious (Discerning) 6:12-15; 14:4; 19:4-7; 22:24-25,

8. Humble 12:9; 13:7; 16:19; 22:2,4,

9. Disciplined, 13:18; 20:21; 21:5,17; 22:29,

10. Content 28:19-22; 30:8

B. The conduct of the man who succeeds in business and finance

1. Practices Biblical Stewardship 3:9,10,

2. Uses wealth properly 10:16,16; 14:20; 18:23; 19:10,

3. Seeks the Lord’s blessing (Not world’s) 10:22,

4. Seeks the best for his home 11:29; 15:16; 17:1,

5. Seeks wise counsel 13:21; 15:22,

6. Looks to future 13:22; 19:14,

7. Seeks a “good name” 22:1,2

8. Seeks to associate with faithful men 25:19,

9. Seeks best for employer 27:18.

C. Cautions for the man who succeeds in business and finance:

1. Refrain from the enticements of unrighteous men 1:10-19; 3:31,32; 23:20,21; 29:24,

2. Avoid co-signing and partnerships 6:1-5; 11:15; 17:18; 22:26,27,

3. Stay at home - or take wife with you 7:19,20,

4. Do not trust in riches 18:11,

5. Do not focus life on gaining wealth 23:4,5; 27:24; 30:15,

6. Do not increase wealth by extortion 28:8,

7. Do not plan on wealth from Parents 28:24.


V. The Bible contains a series of challenges to those who desire to meet the biblical requirements for joyful prosperity


Fact One: God’s Prosperity Makes Requirements

Fact Two: God Desires Prosperity For His Obedient Children

Fact Three: God’s Prosperity Offers A Basic Level Choice

Fact Four: God’s Prosperity Offers A Blessing Level Choice

Fact Five: God’s Prosperity Offers A Bounty Level Choice

FACT ONE EXPLAINED: God’s Prosperity Makes Requirements.

Honesty requires admitting that choosing prosperity from God does make requirements. This fact should not produce surprise. Doesn’t every worthy objective demand meeting appropriate requirements?

Consider education! Citizens must pay taxes. Teachers must devote living service. Students must expend time and energy.. Choosing education makes drastic requirements.

Consider domestic happiness! Successful marriage requires exclusive COMMITMENT to one person. Successful parenting requires personal sacrifice, life-style adjustments, and increased responsibilities. Building a home involves requirements that only parents and children can know.

Consider personal soul-salvation. Preachers proclaim correctly that salvation is the gift of God. The believer in Jesus Christ does receive unearned, undeserved benefits. Truly salvation is God’s free gift to the lost. But, is salvation without requirements? Think of the price that Jesus paid! And do not forget the COMMITMENT element in the believer’s trusting faith. Personal soul-salvation makes and continues to make character and conduct requirements.

Choosing prosperity from God, therefore, is like other worthy objectives in that it makes requirements. In many aspects, however, prosperity from God differs from many other worthy objectives in that it gives unique satisfactions.. Secular prosperity consists almost solely in the material: how much and how many. Notice that no matter how much or how many there is never enough in secular prosperity to satisfy! Secular prosperity always falls short of satisfying the human spirit. Jesus explained the reason when he said, Take heed and beware of covetousness: for a man’s life consisteth not in the abundance of the things which he possesseth. (Luke 12:15). True and satisfying prosperity must go beyond the secular and satisfy the inner person. Only prosperity from God can attain this personal and spiritual objective.

This true and satisfying prosperity from God, which consists of material and spiritual blessings, is attainable for every Christian . But the Christian must make the choice and accept the challenge to meet the requirements. Think of it! What a potential for real happiness! Ask some questions:

Will God’s prosperity enable me to pay my bills? Yes!

Will God’s prosperity enable me to supply my basic needs? Yes!

Will God’s prosperity supply my real wants? Yes!

Will God’s prosperity enable my family to live well? Yes!

Will God’s prosperity enable me to help the poor? Yes!

Will God’s prosperity enable me to support the church? Yes!

Frankly, this sounds too good to be true, but it is a TESTED truth. Many older and some younger Christians can give testimony to God’s Prosperity. You can test and prove its validity in your own life. You can chose God’s prosperity but you MUST meet the Requirements..

This opportunity rests upon the biblical revelation that God wants to prosper His obedient people. And the Almighty God is certainly able to prosper anyone if that is His desire. Isn’t it true that God owns everything? As the Owner, God has the right to grant supervision and management according to His decision. As the Owner God has the right to judge how His property is administered. Sometimes Christians need to refresh their memories about God’s ownership:


The earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein. For he hath founded it upon the seas, and established it upon the floods” Psalm 24:1,2.

Behold, the heaven and the heaven of heavens is the Lord’s thy God, the earth also, and all that therein is. Deuteronomy 10:14.

The silver is mine, and the gold is mine, saith the Lord of hosts. Haggai 2:8.

For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him. Colossians 1:16.

I know all the fowls of the mountains; and the wild beasts of the field are mine. If I were hungry, I would not tell thee: for the world is mine, and the fullness thereof. Psalm 50:11,12.

The Truth is unmistakably clear: Everything belongs to God!

As the Owner, God can allow or confer PROSPERITY according to His own plan and will. As the Owner, God has the right and the power to establish requirements for attaining His prosperity. To obtain God’s Prosperity even the most obedient Christian must meet these God-given requirements.

This raises the next crucial question: Does God desire to prosper His obedient people? Does our heavenly Father desire an abundant life for His children? What is God’s revealed will or challenge about conferring PROSPERITY



Fact One: God’s Prosperity Makes Requirements

Fact Two: God Desires Prosperity For His Obedient Children

Fact Three: God’s Prosperity Offers A Basic Level Choice

Fact Four: God’s Prosperity Offers A Blessing Level Choice

Fact Five: God’s Prosperity Offers A Bounty Level Choice

FACT TWO EXPLAINED: God Desires Prosperity For His Obedient Children

In most humanly devised religions, the worshiper is seeking continually to appease an angry God. In the concept of deity, as in many others, the Christian faith is unique. The Christian faith rests upon the fact that God loves mankind. This basic truth colors all aspects of Christian theology. The two best known Bible verses declare this wonderful and unique truth about the Christian’s God.

John 3:16 declares, For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

1 John 4: 8 declares, ... for God is love.

In fact, the very essence of God’s love is in GIVING. And the GIVING is totally undeserved by the receivers. The climax of God’s GIVING reveals the divine nature in God’s sacrificial love for mankind. This divine love bestowed the undeserved gift of eternal salvation to all who would receive the Savior. But, thank God, this divine love seeks to bestow benefits that go far beyond the spiritual gift of salvation.. In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus taught, If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much more shall your Father which is in heaven give good things to them that ask him? The Apostle Paul testified to the Romans that God’s love offers more than spiritual salvation, saying, He that spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall he not with him also freely give us all things.

With this attribute of God’s nature so definitely stated, there can be but one answer to the question: Does God desire to prosper His obedient people? The answer can only be affirmative! The answer is a resounding, YES! And that is exactly what the Bible teaches repeatedly.

In the Bible record God SAYS that He desires to prosper His obedient people.

Consider three biblical promises chosen from a multitude:

Psalm 1:3 states of the man who is obedient to God: Whatsoever he doeth shall prosper.

Psalm 35:27 declares Let the Lord be magnified, which hath pleasure in the prosperity of his servant.

Deuteronomy 28:8 states a Covenant promise to His people on the basis of their obedience: The Lord shall command the blessing upon thee in thy storehouse, and in all that thou settest thine hand unto;...

God repeatedly states in unequivocal promises that He desires to prosper those who are obedient to his requirements. God challenges the believing Christian to trust and to test the validity of His straight-forward promises.

In the Bible record God not only SAYS that He desires to prosper His obedient people but God also ACTS to accomplish this promised prosperity. The Bible teaches that God is no respecter of persons and that what He has done for other He will do for you..So God’s past ACTS challenge the Christian believer to test God’s Plan for Prosperity.

Consider these Bible examples taken from a multitude that demonstrate that God ACTS to prosper His obedient people.

Genesis 13:2, God made Abraham prosperous: And Abram was very rich in cattle, in silver, and in gold.

Genesis 30:43, God made Jacob prosperous: And the man increased exceedingly, and had much cattle, and maid servants, and menservants, and camels, and asses.

2 Samuel 7:9, God made David prosperous: I was with thee whithersoever thou wentest, and have cut off thine enemies out of thy sight, and have made thee a great name, like unto the great men that are in the earth.

1 Kings 10:7, God made Solomon prosperous: the Queen of Sheba stated: they wisdom and thy prosperity exceedeth the fame which I have heard.

2 Chronicles 31:21, God made Hezekiah prosperous: And in every work that he began in the service of the house of God, and in the law, and in the commandments, to seek his God, he did it with all his heart and prospered.

The FACT that God really DESIRES to prosper His obedient people puts money matters upon an entirely different base. God is not trying to GET what His obedient people need for themselves. God is trying to challenge His obedient people to meet reasonable requirements. God is giving His obedient people the opportunity to chose the prosperity that God wants to GIVE them ..

The Bible describes three levels of God’s prosperity. Each level has specific and clearly stated requirements. God’s obedient people have the opportunity to chose the level they prefer and the responsibility to meet the requirements explained in the Bible for that level.

Here is God’s challenge! Christians may chose.

Christians may chose to continue on the natural level of seeking prosperity by personal ability. Some will prosper; some will fail. Choosing to remain at this independent level does not jeopardize their salvation though it minimizes their spiritual fellowship and growth. On the other hand Christian may accept God’s challenge. Christians may chose any level they desire but the level determines the requirements and the benefits.



Fact One: God’s Prosperity Makes Requirements

Fact Two: God Desires Prosperity For His Obedient Children

Fact Three: God’s Prosperity Offers A Basic Level Choice

Fact Four: God’s Prosperity Offers A Blessing Level Choice

Fact Five: God’s Prosperity Offers A Bounty Level Choice



In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus taught the Christian’s proper attitude about the basic needs for human life: food and drink, clothing and physical well-being. His approach , trusting in the heavenly Father’s supply, differs greatly from the secular mind-set, trusting in personal abilities to supply..

Secular thinking views life as a constant struggle for simple existence. To obtain food and drink demands primary attention. Every generation has proved the truth of God’s statement to Adam, “In the seat of thy face shalt thou eat bread.” Each generation emphasizes the truth that there are no free lunches. Putting food and drink at the top of the budget simply makes good sense to the secular mind. Any other arrangement of the budget appears unrealistic, if not foolhardy. Many Christians will defend this position as necessary in the practical world.

Jesus approached the problem of basic needs from a totally different perspective. Jesus pointed to the birds of the air, saying, Behold the fowls of the air: for they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feedeth them, Are ye not much better then they? Pointing to God’s provision, He taught a truth that is easy to ignore unless a person really believes that God loves His people. Jesus reminded them, ... your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things.

The secular mind focuses on the necessity to struggle for the admitted needs; Jesus focused upon the heavenly Father’s willingness and ability to supply the admitted needs. What, then is the basis difference? Both the secular mind and Jesus admit the needs. What is the difference?

The first difference is in the objective! Both groups seek but what each seeks is different. The secular mind says that you must seek first to obtain the basic needs of existence. Your needs are supplied by the efficiency of your effort. Getting what you need must be the primary secular objective. Man can have supply but only because he successfully sought it. Jesus taught a different objective: seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness. Seeking what God wants is the Jesus objective. The seeker’s heavenly Father GIVES the supply. The Christian’s needs are met not because he successfully sought for them but because he sought God’s objective and, therefore, received God’s supply as a child from its father. The secular objective is the supply of basic needs. The Jesus objective is God’s kingdom and righteousness.

Jesus did not advocate passivity. Jesus emphasized active seeking. But the Christian’s search objective has changed. The Christian’s search gives priority to the kingdom of God and His righteousness rather than to the basic needs. Jesus did not advocate laziness. The search for God’s kingdom and righteousness is not in a vacuum but in normal life. God does not supply the idle hand but rather provides the strength and opportunity for receiving God’s supply through normal activity.

The Christian’s dependence has changed. The Christian no longer depends upon his self ability and successful seeking but rather upon trust in the Father’s ability and willingness to supply his basic needs. Trust in the Father has replaced worry about circumstances. The secular world offers no security for the supply of basic needs. Economic conditions, sickness, and other uncertainties plague the secular mind. Only the Jesus way gives security concerning the basic needs of life.

The Promise: all these things shall be added unto you.

The Requirement: seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness.

This security is the precious possession of those who meet the requirement for God’s prosperity at the Basic level.. All other ways are INSECURE!




Fact One: God’s Prosperity Makes Requirements

Fact Two: God Desires Prosperity For His Obedient Children

Fact Three: God’s Prosperity Offers A Basic Level

Fact Four: God’s Prosperity Offers A Blessing Level

Fact Five: God’s Prosperity Offers A Bounty Level

FACT FOUR EXPLAINED: A Blessing Level Choice

The Blessing Level of God’s Prosperity exceeds the supply of basic necessities offering the promise of far greater provision. Many have aspired to this higher level. Without exception those who have experienced this level of God’s prosperity will testify that , having met the requirement, they now enjoy the enlarged benefits. The attest to the validity of the promised benefits which include physical, financial, and spiritual increase and personal satisfaction.

The Bible specifies both the requirement and the benefits: God’s Word declares, I will open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it. And I will rebuke the devourer for your sakes, and he shall not destroy the fruits of your ground; neither shall your vine cast her fruit before the time in the field, saith the Lord of hosts. And all nations shall call you blessed; for ye shall be a delightsome land, saith the Lord of hosts. Malachi 3:10-12.

Many famous business leaders have proved that God does what He promises: John Wanamaker and J.C. Penny as merchants, Henry P, Crowell of Quaker Oats, and R. G. LeTourneau in heavy equipment, are some of the most noteworthy. While the rich and famous examples have value, the real test is in the experience of ordinary Christians. After a ministry of more than forty years in one community, several facts have impressed me about this Blessing Level of God’s Prosperity.

1. No person who has faithfully tithed over at least one year has ever stated to me that God has failed to keep this specific covenant promise.

One prosperous business owner stated in my presence and to the officers of a large Jacksonville bank that he had never had any financial resources until he put God to the test about tithing. . .

2. In every case that I can remember God has increased the financial worth and the personal well-being of every family that I have known that has faithfully tithed .

Two examples are typical cases. (a). Our church had paid the rent and helped with the groceries for one family for more than a year. One Sunday the father came to me and said, “For the first time I saw that you were not urging the people to tithe in order to support the church but in order for God to be able to bless the obedient tither. I am going trust God and begin tithing this week.” We never had to pay rent or buy groceries for that family again. God supplied and prospered them. (b) A second family eked out a meager living on a small dairy. They began to tithe faithfully and began to prosper. When they retired, the sale of their holdings brought millions.

3. With few exceptions the families that faithfully tithed have enjoyed marital happiness and have seen their children become useful citizens.

4. In more than fifty years of ministry I have never had a single person to complain that God has failed to bless them in multiple ways since they have put Him to the test by tithing.

This Blessing Level of God’s Prosperity stands available to all who will meet the requirement. Isn’t it strange that some gladly buy a chance on the lottery but fear to test the promise of Almighty God?

Here is God’s challenge to faith! Here is God’s offer of Blessing!

The requirement: Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the Lord of hoses...

The promise:...if I will not open you the windows of heave, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it. Malachi 3:10.

Obviously the argument that some make about law and grace actually misses the point. The issue is faith and opportunity! Tithing indicates that the Christian places himself in the position of subjecting his earnings so that he gives priority to God’s work. The Christian thereby places himself in a TRUST position where the God who wants to prosper his faithful people can do so. Because the Christian has put God’s work in the proper priority God is justified in granting Blessing Prosperity!.

The one who buys a lottery ticket expresses faith in CHANCE; the Christian who tithes expresses faith in God to fulfill His promise.



Fact One: God’s Prosperity Makes Requirements

Fact Two: God Desires Prosperity For His Obedient Children

Fact Three: God’s Prosperity Offers A Basic Level

Fact Four: God’s Prosperity Offers A Blessing Level

Fact Five: God’s Prosperity Offers A Bounty Level

FACT FIVE EXPLAINED: A Bounty Level Choice

Few if any chose the Bounty level of God’s Prosperity unless they have proved the validity of the Basic and the Blessing levels. Each level requires Faith but the Bounty level challenges Faith to increasing outreach. The Basic level requires faith in God’s care; the Blessing level requires faith in God’s fidelity; the Bounty level requires faith in God’s law of sowing and reaping.

As surely as God has locked the universe into relationships by the law of Gravitation, so surely has God established the law of Sowing and Reaping. In fact life is a constant proof of the validity of this law. Every human is constantly sowing and reaping . Man can chose what he will sow but, having sown, he cannot escape the consequences of his sowing. The Bible states the law clearly:

Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. For he that soweth to the flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting. Galatians 6:7,8.

Others have said that a man reaps what he sows, reaps more than he sows, reap the benefit or the harm of what he has sown.

On the basis of this well-known and indisputable truth, the Apostle Paul describes the Bounty Level of God’s prosperity. But this I say, He which soweth sparingly shall reap also sparingly; and he which soweth bountifully shall reap also bountifully. 2 Corinthians 9:6.

Obtain the full significance of Paul’s challenge, consider both the sowing and the reaping. What the giver sends consists of the material and the immaterial. The material is money. The immaterial is love expressed with freedom and joy. This is the sowing.

What is the reaping? The reaping is return to the giver, rejoicing to God, provision for the receiver, response from the receiver.

...End of Course.


If you have completed the course as instructed, you have achieved an extremely important milestone in your walk with the Lord.  We rejoice with you, and trust that God will use you in an even greater way to minister to a world that is in desperate need of the life-changing Gospel of our Risen Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.  May the Holy Spirit go before you and make every crooked place straight!  (Isaiah 45:2)


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